Thursday, June 30, 2016

AngelIntuitive Card of the Day - Entrepreneur

Blessings beautiful souls! I am an Angel Therapist, professional psychic and non denominational minister. I post daily inspirational messages. Please like my page to receive them and check out my services on  my website, I also post daily videos an my You Tube Channel Lotus and Shaman. Today's card is Entrepreneur. Archangel Gabriel is saying it is time to pick up your torch in all ways! Today I am being guided to talk about being strong in the presence of others. You and you alone are the guiding light of your soul, your life on this planet. Do not give your power away to anyone else, it is not their's to have. They have what God has given them and that is perfect for them. God makes no mistakes: you are wonderfully made. That means your soul came in with a remembrance, a higher calling if you will. No one else can interpret that for you, no one else can say what it is. Only you, dear brothers and sisters. Allow yourself the mysterious awe of tapping into your gifts. Your soul purpose. And carry your torch into your divine purpose. Namaste. This card is for 24 hours in all time zones. Card from D Virtue, Daily Guidance from the Angels.

AngelIntuitive Daily Tarot - You're not trapped - transform it!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

AngelIntuitive Card for the Day - Overcoming Difficulties!

Blessings beautiful souls! I am an Angel Therapist, professional psychic and non denominational minister. I post daily inspirational messages. Please like my page to receive them and check out my services on the page or my website, I also post daily videos an my You Tube Channel Lotus and Shaman. Today's card is Overcoming Difficulties. Breathe a sigh of relief, all is well! Everyone has difficulties in their life, but God would not give them to you if it was not to further you. Challenges build faith, trust in God, and valor. Banish the fear and rise to the challenge knowing God has your back, and the Saints and Angels are with you! Listen to your inner voice and trust that you know exactly how to handle any situation, because you have all the tools God ever created inside of you! Rejoice in God's goodness and ask for help often, as Source is always with you, the angels are saying. Have a blessed day! Namaste. Card from D. Virtue Archangel Oracle Cards. Reading is for 24 hours in all time zones.

AngelIntuitive Daily Tarot 6/29/16- Action, Jackson!

AngelIntuitive Daily Tarot 6/29/16- Action, Jackson!

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

AngelCard of the Day 6/22/16

Blessings beautiful souls! I am an Angel Therapist and non denominational minister. I post daily inspirational messages. Please like my page to receive them and check out my services on the page or my website, I also post daily videos an my You Tube Channel Lotus and Shaman. Today's card is Career Transition. This can mean literally a shift in what you feel your life purpose to be. Or, it can also appear as a subtle shift in how you feel about what you're doing now. It can be as profound as going on a vision quest, or as simple as readjusting your chair at work, or taking walks outside during lunch. Pray to your guides and Angels and ask Source for your highest and best purpose. It could absolutely be what you are doing right now, just looking at it in a different, more positive light. Or you could have your light bulb 'aha' moment about your life purpose! Namaste. Card from D. Virtue Saints and Angels Oracle Cards.

AngelCard for the Day 6/21/16

Blessings beautiful souls! I am an Angel Therapist and non denominational minister. I post daily inspirational messages. Please like my page to receive them and check out my services on the page or my website, I also post daily videos an my You Tube Channel Lotus and Shaman. Today's card is Child. Perfect for the official first day of summer, the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Do you remember loving the summer? No school, no responsibilities, playing until dark? The good tired from moving your body and being happy? Summer is a time of hope, of sowingt he fruits of our labors, some literally, some figuratively. Take it upon yourselves, beautiful souls, to soak in the sunshine, picnic in the park, float down a river. Or just turn your face up to the sky and say a blessed thank you to mother earth and to Source who so magnificently created her. Namaste. Card from D Virtue Saints and Angels Oracle deck.

AngelIntuitive Daily Tarot 6/21/16 - Contented home life as something shifts for you. Be kind and eat vegetarian//vegan to help your vibration settle out today.

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Angel Card of the Day 6/5/16

Today's card is Let The Past Go. I had something happen to me today that really hit that home. I was blamed for something that was not communicated to me. As a child when that would happen to me I had no opportunity to explain myself; I was raised in a dysfunctional household. When I was a child I felt such fear and dread, not knowing how to fix the situation. When this happened today, I went right into that PTSD reaction. When I discussed it later with my sister she said simply, "That's their problem. They should communicate better." YES! Why wold I take on someone else's perception of the situation? I know my truth! And I immediately felt all tension release from the situation. I knew I was reacting from old patterns, and seeing that and releasing it broke the pattern of the past. Let go of IT! You'll be glad you did. Namaste. Card from D. Virtue.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Angelntuitive Daily Tarot 6'5'16

Card of the Day 6/4/16 - Happy New Moon Day!

Today's card is Divine Intervention. I get tired sometimes- we all do. Tired of trying, tired of not reaching goals, tired of not succeeding in our mind. But we ARE succeeding. With each forward step we take it is not a step back or standing still. Listen to Spirit. They bring you divine messages all the time. For me today it was a video on youtube from one of my favorite posters, Mama Maga. It explained why I was feeling agitated. I couldn't put a finger on it, so Source provided it through another. Divine intervention indeed! Pay attention to signs given to you and don't discount them, they are not mere coincidences - they are miracles. Namaste! Card from Raphael Healing Deck, D. Virtue.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Card of the Day 6/2/16

Blessings beautiful souls! I am an Angel Therapist and non denominational minister. I post daily inspirational messages. Please like my page to receive them and check out my services on the page or my website, I also post daily videos an my You Tube Channel Lotus and Shaman. Today's card is Builder. Sometimes when you're starting something the task seems insurmountable, too daunting. But then you start. One step at a time, one action. 
Have you ever watched a bird build a nest? We had a barn swallow on our porch this year building one. It looked impossible, really. Starting with a small pieces of dirt and their spit, adding one twig or beak full of mud at a time. Sometimes they would lose chunks and it would make me sad watching it fall to the ground, but they would swoop off the porch and continue. Such a beautiful lesson. They finished and it is a work of art, a testament to perseverance and faith. Nothing is complete at the start, nor should it be. The journey is the building. Build YOUR nest. Namaste. Card from D. Virtue Life Purpose Oracle Cards.